Book Sneeze Risky Gospel: Abandon Fear and Build Something Awesome By Owen Strachan
I have seen this book categorized as "radical" and for "college students". Which I think really says a lot about the state of things in our churches. As if taking risks and being "radical" is only for the young. I am, I hate to admit it, not considered young. I am really close to 40. But in our town and congregation where most are retired, I am still just a "whipper snapper". I would like to think that this book is aimed at the Church Body, not the youth and college ministry. The whole body needs gospel-driven discipline, to working for God's glory and not our own, committing to the you attend church (which might mean the scary M word- membership ), and building an evangelistic witness that is not shameful. The "cultural lingo" maybe considered younger in general , but the lesson applies to all generations. "God's awesomeness should propel our faithfulness." Book Description: How do you access a real, thrivi...