
Showing posts from August, 2013

Book Sneeze- Billy Graham in Quotes

I love quotes. I love the way a few words can speak of a simple deep wisdom. Over 25 yrs ago I heard Billy Graham preach in Washington D.C. He spoke in plain English, he shared not just his heart but the heart of God. WAVES of people went forward for prayer. In the midst of all the "achievements" and revival meetings, the convetion centers that were over flowing...Billy remained a humble servant of the Most High. " I look forward to seeing Christ and bowing down before Him in praise and gratitude for all He has done for us, and for using me on this earth by His grace-just as I am. " The book is set up so that you can read the quotes by subject. Family: " Many times it just takes one member of a family to initiate the action to bring a family back together. " Faith: " Your faith may be just a little thread. It may be small and weak, but act on that faith. It does not matter how big your faith is but rather, where your faith is ." ...

Book Sneeze- Limitless Life by Derwin Gray

In a society built of names, labels, genres and little boxes, it is good to remember we can break out of the boxes. All too often we allow some one to box us, or jump into the box willingly, and forget we do not have to live out of that box. " A label is a soul-tattoo that is ingrained deep in our hearts, so much so that it determines how we see ourselves, And how we see ourselves determines how we live... A destructive label leads to a destructive life. There is a soul thief, a dark enemy, who wants to nail ruinous labels to your heart so that he can steal your life. Jesus wants to give you life giving labels that release your potential for the good of the world. " -Derwin L. Gray BOOK TRAILER  I love that Derwin addresses David, the boy, as living in a valley of sheep. Not just because I am addicted to wool and knitting....okay, maybe that has a lot to do with why I love that phrase. BUT the valley of sheep is where David faithfully did the task given him. He wa...

Book Sneeze- Overextended and Loving Most Of It

Being married to a man who pastors 2 congregations has not been easy. When my husband was ordained, I remember telling him that we were not going to do the "two church thing" ever again. (He was in youth ministry at one and senior pastor at the other at that time.) Little did we know 3 years later we would find ourselves once again doing the "two church thing". Our daughter's trip to Rwanda did introduce us to a man who pastors 10 churches. That was a good attitude adjustment to pour first world "problems". Our Calendars are jammed packed. as I write this we have just finished plotting out the next 10 weeks. 1 weekend does not have an event we need to host, attend or be in support of. Having 6 amazing children who tag along to most of these, and do so willingly, adds to the dynamic. We are often chided by people that we will burn out. This is how it has been for 10 years so far. I do not anticipate it changing. Thus far, we have been given the g...

Book Sneeze- Secrets of Dynamic Communication

I hate public speaking. 20 years ago I would have a panic attack and get hives over speaking in public. This has been an area of great stretching in my life. G-d keeps putting me in a position where I have to speak to rooms of 15- 250. I am not great at it. I also have no idea what I am doing! This book helps with that. " It takes the reader through the process of selecting and developing a theme, giving it focus, fleshing it out, and communicating well with the audience.  The first half is devoted to preparation, the second to delivery. " " Nothing in the book is designed to change your style or restrict your creativity, but rather to bring the power of focus to your creativity. " " Communication is not about you or what people will think about you or how well you will perform. Communication is about the people sitting in front of you. It's about giving to them, helping them, instructing them, and persuading them of something that will enrich t...

Book Sneeze- Organic God

I picked this book in all honesty because of the author's last name. A book published by a christian company with a jewish last name. There are more and more jews who have come to believe that Jesus, Yeshua, Is the Messiah. It is considered the largest growing group in judaism. There are as many "messianic jews" as there are chasidic jews in America. Yet with that knowledge, some times as a jewish believer I feel like an anomaly. Too jewish for the church, too christian for the shul. I connected immediately with Margaret's story of studying midrash with her bubbe.  She shared beautifully how she lived in 2 worlds.  This book is an easy read but challenges you to do more than just read the words. Margaret weaves scripture throughout the book, placing emphasis on G-d's Word not her own. Liz Curtis Higgs said the goal of a christian writer should be that when they close "our" books the reader should open "His". Margaret has succeeded in that....