
Showing posts from September, 2013

Book Sneeze Let Hope In by Pete Wilson

Sitting in the shadow of shame? Dealing with the guilt and regret? Feeling Lost and Hopeless? Are you feeling stuck and just do not know how to move forward? Sometimes you just need some one to tell you how, to give you a plan. This book is that plan. "Discover how pain that is not transformed becomes transferred. Embrace the freedom of being okay with not being okay. Learn that a life of trusting is far more magnificent than a life of pleasing. Because hurt people hurt people, but free people have the power to free people." "No matter how well put together the people around you may appear, I promise you, EVERYONE needs healing." Learn how to trust people, not just please people. It comes back to making 4 choices: Choice #1: Choosing to Transform Instead of Transfer Choice #2: Choosing to Be Okay With Not Being Okay Choice #3: Choosing to Trust Rather Than Please Choice #4: Hurt People, Hurt People, But Free People, Choose to Free People ...

Book Sneeze Co Parenting Works by Tammy Daughtry

I am not divorced, separated...not even thinking about it. However, we have counseling situations and my dearest friend is going thru this with her kids. This book is an excellent resource as it highlights things one may not have thought of addressing or considering. Statistics, surveys, advice and 10 yrs of experience come together in Tammy Daughtry's book.  The Author seeks to help you become a TEAMM - an acronym for "The End Adult Matters Most". Part of that is being a stable and effective parent, which is the first topic dealt with in the book.  Other topics include Parenting when things are impossible and when things go wrong, and advice on moving forward in your life after divorce. Two homes, two rooms and One Child? How to make the child feel at home in both locations. "The life of a child of divorce is not the same as the life of a child from an intact family" Tammy uses examples from "constructive and productive" coparenting fam...

This Beautiful Mess by Rick McKinley

How does the beauty of Jesus’ reign break into the mess of our broken lives and world?   Rick McKinley 's book This Beautiful Mess from WaterBrook/Multanomah  was provided to me for review (complimentary copy). I had seen it on the shelf at my local bookstore, but that had only succeeded in putting Sixpence songs in my head. I am grateful for the opportunity to read it. Rick McKinley serves as pastor at Imago Dei. The book is divided into 3 main parts: Part one Discovering the Kingdom. Part two Re-visioning life in the Kingdom. Stop analyzing and be present in the Body. Part three Practicing the presence of the Kingdom. (reminiscent of Brother Lawrence and AW Tozer) Fans of Experiencing God will connect with recognizing where G-d is at work and letting Him do the work in and through us to bring about change. Rick shares personal experiences as well, how their church is moving, growing and seeing change. New for this edition: an updated preface, thre...

Book Sneeze Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible By Matthew West

Forgiveness is more than an act of stuffing and "forgetting". This book contains 50 stories of how others have come to have true forgiveness, and find healing. These are stories of those who have gone through divorce, betrayal, addiction, abandonment, death, and pain, and have found healing.The book is divided in four sections: Forgiving Others, Asking for Forgiveness, Forgiving Yourself, and Embracing God's Forgiveness. With scriptural references along side the stories, this book makes an excellent counseling resource. I do not know if forgiveness is every something that becomes easy or easier, however hearing the stories of those who have gone before, offers hope as well as opportunity for introspection. Where am I resentful? angry? holding on to past hurts? What areas do I need healing and forgiveness in? Is there hope after such pain? "There's something that feels important when I sit down with the responsibility of somebody's life story in front o...

Book Sneeze The Beauty of Broken By Elisa Morgan

There is a beauty revealed when we are vulnerable and share what G-d has done for us. Elisa Morgan has served as the President and CEO of MOPS International, Inc. (Mothers of Preschoolers), a Denver-based non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging, equipping and developing every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ. As the leader of a thriving ministry, she could have easily portrayed the false face of perfection. Instead she has chosen share the struggles she has endured, and the blessings that came from heart ache. 2 Corinthians 1v 6-7 "If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is experienced in your endurance of the same sufferings that we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that as you share in the sufferings, so you will share in the comfort." Hoping that the comfort she has received, Elisa shares her story...

Being Both by Susan Katz Miller

Lauded as the first book to discuss an interfaith way of life for families.  Being Both weaves the stories of Susan Katz Miller and others, primarily the Jewish and Christian families who have pioneered the concept of interfaith education for interfaith children. Susan  grew up with a Jewish father and Christian mother, and was raised Jewish. As one who struggled with her own identity and recognition as a Jew, she is one of the many who are choosing to raise children with both faiths. Interfaith is more than  a growing trend. This book is increasingly necessary. Recently Haaretz published a piece on Defining 'who is a Jew" (HERE) asking the question "If a Jew need not live in Israel, need not speak Hebrew, need not be committed to formal communal relations with other Jews, need not believe in the God of Israel and His Torah, and does not necessarily have to be the child of a Jewish mother, who then, is a Jew?" "28 million Americans have a spouse or p...

Book Sneeze Finding Roses In The Dust by Erin Brynn

Erin Brynn 's travels have taken her from Africa to India to Southeast Asia and most recently to Afghanistan. As I do work with A Tour of Roses, I chose this book to review because of the title. And like myself she has 6 children. :) Erin shares the history of Afghanistan and the people groups and cultures. The book is a compilation of letters written home and personal reflections as almost "post scripts", looking back on what she had prayed or hoped and how G-d fulfilled those. Erin shares stories of trust, loss, hope and adventure. She shares with us the deep burden she acquired for the people and the country. I enjoyed the book very much. If you are interested in missions and adventure, you will enjoy this book. Quotes: "I knew the Lord had specific plans and purposes for the people we would encounter during our time in Afghanistan, but I never gave much thought to what He had in mind for me personally. God desires that we be His vessels of love toward others, ...

Book Sneeze Death By Living by N.D. Wilson

N.D. Wilson is quickly becoming a favourite author. We had already amassed a collection of his children's books. Now here I am reviewing another of his books. N.D. Wilson is a best selling author and it is easy to read why. Not only does he write beautiful words, you may find yourself needing to read them aloud to some one, just to hear them spoken. Along with the written words, there are book trailers , youtube videos, and DVDs. READ the "unprofessional bio" on his blog! Death by Living written after burial and loss in his family, has fallen into my hands from BookSneeze after burying 2 grandmothers. The desperate longing to live a life well lived, to embrace it all and drink every moment in, echoes through me. As a family, we have often been teased about "having a story for everything". I have taken it as a badge of honour. We are "People of Story". I love the the master storyteller way N.D. Wilson has. You don't feel "preached at" ...

The Blessed Church by Robert Morris

When I began this book I had never heard of Gateway or Robert Morris. This book was primarily written for pastors and ministry staff. I am not a pastor, but I am married to one. Which usually means that I read books, nudge him, and read him sections of the books. This happened a lot with this book. What would a culture of generosity look like for my church? What part does rest play in a healthy church?   How can I help my church stay focused on its purpose? Stepping into a church that is 100+ yrs, we are stepping into the vision others have had and laid ground work for. The points made on looking at the areas in the ministry bring frustration are often places that need to have change/new vision was a good reminder. Peace can often be a barometer to nudge us that some thing needs attention, change or to be released. We are a small church, that has doubled in size the last 2 yrs. We are not seeking to become a mega church. But we do desire to see the church be healthy. This ...

Book Sneeze- Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl

Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World By N. D. Wilson N.D. Wilson is the authour of 100 Cupboards . (my kids loved that book) He brings that same imagination and inquisitive mind to this book on apologetics. He takes you on a journey where you have to ask questions and look for answers, and recognize G-d's ART.  Ex nihilo is Latin phrase "out of nothing". Used as in creatio ex nihilo , meaning "creation out of Nothing". This place, this earth, this "Tilt-A-Whirl" we call earth is G-d's Art. You can not just read this book, You need to watch N.D.'s videos as well. The passion and brilliance leap off the page and into those videos. This book is billed as "post-modern apologetics" and I think that sells it a bit short and puts it in a box. There is so much more to this book. I am glad I actually "picked it up" which really means "clicked on it" and read it. (ebook) N.D. has ...

Book Sneeze- You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times By Max Lucado

The story of Joseph is amazing. The favoured son who is cast down and out by his brothers. Over and over we read of Joseph in a place of elevation brought down to a new low, and a lower low. The roller coaster ride of Joseph's life is an encouraging one even more so with the wisdom and insight from Max Lucado. We see the tender heart of Max Lucado, for the hurting in many of his books. He longs to reach the lost, alone, and those who are despairing and share the hope he has found in Jesus. It is more evident in this book. If any of you ever cried and laughed til you cried over a little bird named "Chippie", you know you will most likely need tissues for this book. We are currently in the midst of our own roller coaster rides right now. Job stability, health issues, and our children racing towards adulthood faster than we ever expected (which isn'y bad, just different). It has been a rough week has become a rough month, a rough year and even a rough decade. Th...

Book Sneeze 31 days to Happiness by David Jeremiah

The Title of this book bugs me soo much! When you write a book, you do not always get to pick the title, I am hoping this was the case with David Jeremiah. It has been a LONG time since I have read any of his books. So I was happy to review it. Boring Title, Boring cover. It does not tell you with the title that the book is a 31 day devotional through Ecclesiastes. I think it is billed this way to make it "seeker-friendly" especially with statements like: "Don't you deserve a little happiness? Ever wonder . . .Why is life so frustrating?Is happiness within my reach?Is it too late for me?" OR: "If you thought happiness was only an empty hope, maybe you've simply been looking in all the wrong places. In this book Dr. Jeremiah reveals the way to the happiness you have longed for, the never-dimming light of your fondest dreams." What it doesn't tell you is the book as it goes through Ecclesiastes, modern era stories from places like Sobibor, quo...

Book Sneeze- The Pink Bible, An invitation to Hope

Several weeks ago I opted to review "a book" for Zondervan. Since then a "mass" was discovered in my breast, blood work, tests, mammograms and ultrasounds to come. Following this morning's doctor appointment....I came home to The Pink Bible on my doorstep. Perfect timing?  Zondervan's Pink Bible is available both as a physical Bible and as an ebook. (ebook sample can be downloaded for nook, iphone nook app and for computers). Many awareness groups have adopted specific ribbons or colours. Pink is the colour associated with breast cancer awareness. "The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink ribbons, and the color pink in general, identify the wearer or promoter with the breast cancer brand and express moral support for women with breast cancer. Pink ribbons are most commonly seen during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month." -wikipedia The Bible is designed to make finding of verses of hope and...

Book Sneeze- Combating the Lies of Satan

Over several decades of group Bible study this has been a consistent need as far as what believers need to know. Satan is a liar, and the lies can only be fought with the truth. The TRUTH is God's Word, not our own words. God's wisdom, not our wisdom. Combating the lies of Satan is a spiritual growth book to do literally what the title says. This book is specifically aimed at the American Christian. Many do not realize the attitude specific to Americans and American Christians until they venture to other countries and worship and fellowship with the believers in those countries. The fixation on prosperity is only one of the issues facing the church today. It is uneducated and crippled with believing lies. Shirley White looks at 10 issues/Lies that are not only prevalent but not being fought.  Sadly many of the churches in America are focused on entertaining and not equipping. Shirley hopes to give the believer the weapons needed to fight the lies and doubts. The topics ...

Book Sneeze- Turnaround God

"Don’t settle for less than what God can do."- Charlotte Gambill This book kinda goes with an unchosen theme of the books lately. I chose to review random books, ones that are new, unreleased, or ones that looked "different. But some how they are all about the amazing ways G-d uses the unexpected and living under WHO He says you are rather than the labels of the world. "Turnarounds by their nature are radical. They bypass nice and sensible, they freak out the orderly, and they do not line up with agendas. But turnarounds reveal our miraculous Savior to a messed-up world." This book also I chose because we are currently in the days of "Teshuvah", not just repentance but turning. I did not expect to have so many things in common with Charlotte, even serving in Belfast. I did not expect to cry and be challenged just in the first chapter. "The greatest turnarounds always start from within our own hearts and lives." "The mo...

Dateline Jerusalem by Chris Mitchell

Being Jewish, I really have a hard time with most of the books written on the endtimes, the middle east, and revelatory prophecy. A lot of them are written from a replacement theology stand point even if the writer doesn't even realize it. Israel is thrown out and the "church" is the sole focus, forgetting the millenia of prophecies or there is a weird almost 'worship of the jews' that is a bit creepy.  Add to this, that I have Arab family members and close friends. My Husband and I met because we were both jews working on arab humanitarian projects in the land of Israel. (arab bible college for my project, arab hospital for his). My daughter, 1 of the 4, did her Bat Mitzvah in Hebrew, Arabic and English to honour this family fusion.We have a love for all those descended from Abraham. We hold our breath and voice concerns and pray a lot. My children have friends serving in the Israeli military. More prayers. I am a US military brat. More prayers. There is m...

Greek to me

For "fun" really more than just academic, the guys at our house have decided to study greek. The girls have opted for Literary analysis of Jane Eyre. But this meant I had to dig out my books from textural criticism and manuscript comparison. I forgot how many great books I had! So just incase you are in need of biblical greek or if scrolls and manuscripts get you excited, here are some resources:

God of the Underdogs by Matthew Keller

I read about 20-25 books a month. I consume pages. We feature a different book each month at one of our congregations. It helps keep everyone in the loop on book discussions and as iron sharpens iron, brings a bit of a challenge. So not a lot of light reading. In the last few months, I can honestly say, Matthew Keller's book is the first one to make me laugh out loud and have to nudge my husband with "listen to this" or "have you ever considered" moments. Matt brings a fresh look to some of the stories we have grown up with. There is an interesting glance into the possible interpersonal relationships and dynamics of the underdogs we view as heroes. " Every person G-d used had a justifiable excuse for why he or she couldn't or shouldn't be used by God to accomplish great things ." God of the Underdogs TM from Matt Keller Online on Vimeo . Looking back, we already know the outcome and how the story will end with the miraculous. Some ...