
Showing posts from October, 2013

Book Sneeze Ted Dekker Blessed Child & A Man Called Blessed

The Caleb Series In "Blessed Child"(originally published in 2001) we are introduced to Caleb, a 10 year old with amazing healing abilities, who grows up in a monastery orphanage with basically no contact with the outside world. All Caleb wants is to serve G-d, animals follow and listen, people flock to him as well and experience healing. In the beauty and joy of it all Caleb poisoned, shot, abducted and maintains his innocent, pure faith. Father Nikolous believes Caleb has "psychic powers" and begins to book public events with high costs for admission. Like every Dekker book there are plot twists to keep you from figuring out the whole story as you read. (which I love about his writing) Jason, a Peace Corps worker, asked to rescue Caleb Jason works his way through war zones to find him. Add to the list of rescuers is a Red Cross nurse, Leiah. "A Man Called Blessed" Caleb is now a twenty-ish man, living back in Ethiopia, with Jason & Le...

Book Sneeze City on Fire by Tracy Higley

City on Fire by Tracy Higley  (This is a reissue of the 2011 book for those who have previously read the author's books.) It is the story a Jewish girl who has fled the destruction of  the burning of the Temple in Jerusalem and the persecution of the Jewish people by Nero, to Pompeii, a city we know is a city doomed. The rumbles of Vesuvius are warnings to us who know the fate of the city. Ariella, Lioness of G-d as her names translates, becomes quite the lioness as she goes from slave to gladitor. " I am invincible," she claims. Angry and bitter, she no longer trusts God, but in her own strength. The author has done well with researching the culture, and lifestyles of those in Pompeii. Pompeii was a vile city, the culture and morality portrayed in the book are what you would expect of a Roman Empire under Nero, with fewer details thankfully. This sets the scene for the contrasts of that culture and the culture of the early Christians and their faith. W...

Book Sneeze Dear Mr. Knightley

I was sent Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay for review. This is a very sweet book written in a letter format. The author combines some of the beast of literature, Austen, Bronte and Dickens themes through out the book. The main character, Samantha Moore, seeks to make her own way in the world. The choices of submission, obedience and being willing to look  at other options are constantly being presented. Will Sam be willing to take advice? Will she stick to her own plans? Is she willing to learn what grace really means? This is a lovely story. Having 4 daughters who love literature and are at just the right age for this book, this was a good choice. From the Publisher: Sam is, to say the least, bookish. An English major of the highest order, her diet has always been Austen, Dickens, and Shakespeare. The problem is, both her prose and conversation tend to be more Elizabeth Bennet than Samantha Moore. But life for the twenty-three-year-old orphan is about to ge...

Book Sneeze- Adventure Bible Storybook Deluxe Edition

With 6 children, we have gone through many children's Bibles and Bible Story books over the years. This is definitely a " story book ". Of the 50 stories included, you will find more than Noah and Moses, there is even Paul's journey to Malta. The author tells of the accomplishments of each character, but not always the motivating factor or "why" (such as out of obedience to G-d) that those things were done. There are also speculations and "factoids" that are unsupported. Some liberties were definitely taken with the stories. Catherine DeVries has been influential in the development of many bestselling children's Bibles and Bible storybooks including The Adventure Bible, The Beginner's Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible. The Beginner's Bible was a great favourite of our children. The cds are a nice quality, a bit too young for our almost 8 year old daughter, but the 2 year that the older girls babysit likes them. Layers o...

"The Daniel Cure" by Susan Gregory

I am conflicted in my response to this book. We have a need in our country for spiritual guidance while we lack mentors. Many are desperate to know what a fast is and how to fast. We have a nation that is rebellious and individualistic. Isaiah 58 calls this out. What is the MOTIVATION of the fast? This book is a good resource for looking at a health/diet cleanse. Having had a friend who eradicated cancer from her body with a strict diet, I can attest to the health benefits. The introduction cites our need for spiritual, emotional and diet changes. We do seasonal juice "cleanses", stay away from GMOs, eat kosher...even a low-gluten intake. When faced with a breast cancer scare, my response was definite and focused on diet changes. I have not read the Original book "The Daniel Fast", which this book builds off of. This review is strictly based on "The Daniel Cure".   In chapter 5 the authors state,"Weight-loss products along with related  el...

Knowing God By Name by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, and Mary Southerland

"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine" Isaiah 43:1 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God” Psalm 20:7 Covering 40 names of God mentioned in the Bible, the authors hope you will find new insights as to who God is and what He does on your behalf.  As you discover Who God is and His character is revealed in His Names, the more you know Him, the more you'll trust Him. "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you" Psalm 9:10.This book shares how you can know God by name and you can trust Him. His children are eager to know more about and apply the names of God in their daily spiritual life. The book is set up with  five day devotional entries and a Bible study to serve as a guide for an 8 week study, along with a discussion and journaling page. Includes a pronunciation guide for God’s Hebrew and Greek name...

Book Sneeze Running for Recovery Marathons of the Body, Mind, Spirit By CH LTC, RET Arthur Coffey, Jr., D. Min.

This book is about the physical transformation of a mind, transformed by the Word of G-d. After a motorcycle accident, Arthur was hospitalized for 3 mons. His IQ was at 39, they believed he would never recover. He does still  have memory loss issues. The book is filled with quotes, scripture and the author''s insights. If this is Arthur's writings "impaired", he must have been a force to be reckoned with! This book is a testimony to the ways that the Word of God is living and active, can renew and transform the individual and their minds themselves. Using his own experiences and going further into research and presenting that research, the author shares how the Bible can have an effect on the mind of those suffering Alzheimers or like his own memory/brain damage, and restore the mind. A good friend of ours once experienced a similar renewing of his mind. Having lived in a drugged up state, he had killed so many brain cells. He was given scriptures verses,...

Book Sneeze James: Faith Becomes Real By Carole Arceneaux

Over decades, every time the book of James has been studied "bad things happen". It has become a taboo book, a superstition almost. There may be great verses quoted in it, but it has been one I just meander through, skim over, because REAL study brings REAL trials. So in the midst of pay cuts, breast cancer scares, college applications, courses and financing them, and my daughter's 18th birthday (which is a blessing but frightening), why not read James? We are already in steady trials. This book is set up more as a devotional through James. The author selects a verse, sometimes several, and has a lovely devotion on each one. It takes you through James in bite size pieces. It is not a large book, and really should be marketed as a 40 day or so Devotional Journey through James. Carole Arceneaux does a great job at highlighting verses in each chapter and expanding on key points in scripture. It is like sitting down and having some one gently nugde, "Did you catch...

Book Sneeze- Change How to Remain a Strong Leader during Your Church’s Transition By Janice Stinnett

Encourage leaders while going through a church’s transition. Depend on God to lead the leader in all aspects. Offer new plans and perspective while leaning on God’s guidance. Janice Oliver Stinnett developed this material while personally going through her church's transition as the church's treasurer. Some of the topics covered in this book are "Courage in Christ", "New Beginnings in Church Leadership", prayer, recognizing spiritual attacks, peace and submission, and encouragement. Shew! We are going through transitions and changes! I feel like a runner who has hit the wall and is waiting for a second wind or deciding to quit. As we were flying home to California, I got the email listing this as a book that would be available. Perfect timing!  Janice asks questions like: What does God require from a leader? What kind of heart do you posses? Where does your passion lay? What desire do you have for your church? Why me? 1 Samuel 16:7 But the...

Book Sneeze Last Light By Terri Blackstock

Post Apocalyptic books is one of my weaknesses. I have no idea why. and I adore Terri Blackstock. When technology fails, and the worl crumbles around you, what can you rely on? Siri will not give you an answer, GPS won't show you which way to turn. This reminds me a bit of a series we have been watching on Netflix called Revolution. BUT the answer lies not in a secret advancement of technology, but in G-d. Human nature is exposed when the situations get out of control. Will they hoard their supplies or help others around them? Will they trust and rely on each other or will the crisis tear their family apart? Throw in a murder and the mystery that is Terri Blackstock's strength in writing and you have a great book! I am glad these are being re-released, and they should do well in the current market with others also interested in the "end of the world as we know it" Post Apocalyptic genre. I read this book several years ago. Love the new cover! sample...

Book Sneeze Unglued - Lysa TerKeurst

Making imperfect progress! This book discusses two types of people, the exploders and the stuffers. Neither one  is really a good way to deal emotions. Stuffing can lead to exploding. I can be both. Especially with my thyroid constantly throwing me a curve ball....or the decade of pregnancy hormones! :) Those are just excuses. This book sdiscusses how to stop blaming, shaming, building walls and hurling stones. If you have ever thought "I know that this is not the way I want to react, but I do not know what to do!!!", then get this book. Some times you just need steps, and an idea on where to start. There was a reason the older women were to teach the younger women. We have lost a lot of that in or culture and churches. Thankfully, Lysa wants to share her experiences and the ways she has found to "Make wise choices in the midst of raw emotions." Many of the principles will be familiar to any one who has gone through a study of Nancy Missler's. Those princ...