
Showing posts from 2015

NKJV Bibles for Kids

NKJV Study Bible for Kids The Premiere NKJV Study Bible for Kids By Thomas Nelson Publishers   Published by Thomas Nelson AND Faithgirlz Bible, NKJV By General Editor: Nancy N. Rue  Published by Zondervan I received 2 bibles in the mail this last week. I was really pleased with both of them, and found that I loved that the NKJV Faithgirlz Biblehad the verses in purple ink. Wouldn't my daughter love that? Turns out she was not fond of the girly Bible, but being the tie dye loving girl, she adored the rainbow pages of the NKJV Study Bible for Kids and its bright colours. Isn't that just how it should be? How often am I choosing what I like for her rather than what she would like? I love how we can be so alike and so different. PURPLE INK!  The page set up for the NKJV Study Bible for Kids took some getting used to. The references are not in the top corner, but on the outer edge of the page. Which makes this a formidable weapon in swo...

7 Women

Seven Women And the Secret of Their Greatness By Eric Metaxas "Each of the world-changing figures who stride across these pages-Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Maria Skobtsova, Corrie ten Boom, Mother Teresa, and Rosa Parks-is an exemplary model of true womanhood." Several years ago, I reviewed "Seven Men", and I thought, I hope Eric writes one for women. It appears that I was not the only one. As I read the forward to the book, I was excited for the dragster shout outs as the granddaughter of a dragster. (Shirley Muldowney! Whoot, whoot!) And then I was convicted AND encouraged by what he wrote about praising women when they are compared to men, and achieve manly things. Debbie Stoller, editor of the feminist magazine, Bust, wrote in her book Stitch and B*tch, something similar. How we praise women for being mechanics, pilots, and are employed in other typically "male" jobs, but we condemn them for doing the things their mothers and grandm...

Diary of a Jack Wagon

Wow. This was quite an adventure.  What began as just reading a book evolved into reading the book aloud to my husband, who admittedly found it much more funny. This lead to him pulling up youtube videos and watching them with the boys. And that pretty much is the target audience of this book: Guys. I was not quite as amused by the story of his helpful wife while drivinh, my husband however was, and has repeated a few lines. (Do not ask what my reaction was) Very entertaining, the book has many of the comedy routines that you watch in Tim 's shows. If you can get the audio version, do it....especially if your own comedic timing in joke telling maybe a bit off. Watch the video: What is a Jackwagon ? Tim Hawkins is known for his parodys, the guys love "Cleetus take the reel", and his skits on homeschooling and parenting. Subscribe to his youtube channel.

NIV Bible for Teen Girls

I received for review,  the "NIV Bible for Teen Girls". The colours are very appealing as are the drawings on the pages. The one complaint from my girls, ages 10 and 13, is that they wished more of the real carried over inside than the pink. Inside is ofcourse the NIV translation, which is the blend of NIV and TNIV (see previous posts on NIV translations) The editors of this volume did a great job at "character profiles" and highlighting verses that are not the usual run of the mill, typical verses. Some one will most likely complain (especially if they are over 40) about one of the devotionals using the term "screw up". This was a bit of a risk on the side of the editors, to keep devotional content relative and to reach mainstream kids one can assume is the reasoning. My mother would have freaked out. I was surprised, but not offended. But just so you know, it is on there. Over all this is a good teen study bible. It also has a nice concordance and t...

NKJV Foundation Study Bible

I received the NKJV Foundation Study Bible in the mail today. What I often hear about the NKJV version is that it is just the KJV with the "thee's and thou's" removed. More went into the translation process than just that. The "complete equivalence" translation process is used, "preserving all the information of the text, while presenting it in good literary form". This is different from the "dynamic equivalence" which often uses  paraphrasing. "Complete equivalence translates fully, in order to provide an English text that is both accurate and readable." -Preface to the NKJV In addition to a reliable text, this study Bible is a resource for both new believers and those new to indepth study. Study notes contained within, have cultural context and also definitions. For example notes on Joshua 22:30-31 says," Prudence- Jumping to conclusions can bring one to the brink of disaster. While their motives were good (maintainin...

The Adam Quest

This book came out in 2014 and I am a bit tardy in getting the review posted. The Adam Quest is a collection of view points from 11 scientists, representing young earth creationists, intelligent design proponents, and theistic evolutionists. There was great potential for this book. Although the information is presented with the author's obvious bias, it is a nice resource for those wondering what "the other side" sees, which ever side that may be. "A deeply informative look at Christians working in science, this book is for both believers and those who harbor doubts―an intersection of faith and science, and a safe place for questions. Whether you believe in a young earth, intelligent design, evolutionary creationism, or something else, The Adam Quest offers a chance to strengthen your faith, deepen your knowledge, and bring science back into the church." I am looking forward to more books along these lines, to open discussion in the body to the many "th...

Sacred Marriage

It is hard to believe just how many years ago it was that we picked up this book. Our marriage was beyond rocky... 3 children 2.5yrs and under, our 4th move, and a chasm between us. While our pastoral staff were encouraging us to divorce and start over, we were sick at heart and new there had to be another answer to our misery. Into our local Christian bookstore we marched, credit card in hand, and loaded our arms up with marriage books and bible studies. After all these years, the only title I remember is "Sacred Marriage". While we went through this book together, I remember how there was an almost audible voice one night that said, "I will restore him and make him into aighty man. You can choose to be the woman at his side or some one else will be." This book changed our hearts, our lived and our marriage. 21 yrs of marriage and now with 6 children, he has become a pastor of 2 congregations. His sermons reach hearts across our own nation, Africa and places I ...

And now back to our regularly scheduled programing...

16 mons since my last review. As you may remember I began running. I collapsed a lung at some point, which is a more common injury that I knew. Which in combination with my atlas bone being misaligned, caused crazy heart issues. Then this winter, I was no longer able to chop vegetables, pour a glass of milk, or reach for something off a shelf! Why? Several years ago, there was a car accident, then just 2 yrs ago while on a hike in mountain terrain, in pouring rain, I fell and grabbed onto a "chain" hung to keep us on a trail over boulders. Apparently I knocked my collar bone out. So with months of Physical Therapy, I am now starting to feel a bit normal. Which means I can hold a book in my hand once more! Ready for books?! I actually was really blessed with audio books while I couldn't hold a book. I went through about 20 YA titles. I will give you info on those as I get back into writing. Today, I left off with Donita K Paul's One Realm. Our family loves Donit...