
Showing posts from 2016

Tea and Sympathy and Rhonda Stoppe

About 10 yrs ago, at a beautiful mountain retreat, I was a pregnant, hormonal mess. Over a cup of coffee, Rhonda Stoppe came along side me and spoke truth into my life. It was exactly what I needed and made an impact in my life. Since then, Rhonda has written 2 books. Her newest book, "If my husband would change I would be happy....and other myths wives believe" is exactly like what a described above. A friend speaking the truth into your life and telling you to straighten up...but with sincere love and laughter. We have a real need for a Titus 2 movement of older women teaching  younger women. I was once the younger woman begging for some one to tell me how to survive 4 children under the age of 5 and be a wife and some how find time to crack open my Bible. (Now, I am getting to the older side and have 3 adult children. ) Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have been crying out for some one to hold your hand and speak some truth into your life. If so, go get this book. ...

Coming Clean

Last year, our family had an acquaintance brought back into our lives. After jail and rehab, we were so happy and amazed at all that was going on in his life. I requested this book to review to gain further insight and find ways to encourage the recovering. It is a wonderful book. Full of heart ache and redemption. I believe it will offer hope to those in recovery and to those who love an addict. Our story doesn't have the happy ending. The addict has to want life more than addiction. Heroin called our friend back into its prison. This book was really what I needed at the time. It did share hope and make me look at my own life, at ways that I may medicate my wounds, stress, and seek areas of control to compensate for a lack of control. Seth took a chance at sharing his vulnerable moments. In writing this book he embodied what Paul talks about in  2 Corinthians 1 v 3-8: 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfor...

Word of Promise

I received this audio copy of The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible at Thanksgiving. In the midst of the usual holiday busyness, it provided a nice and calming back drop. I had already owned the audible version  of The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible: NKJV. This made me familiar with the voices and the body of work. Thanksgiving week also brought a terrible accident and shooting in our community and involved a boy who had been in our youth group.  The boy had said he was afraid of dying. My husband was able to pray with him and remind him of the truths he knew.   We had gathered up the scents of Chirstmas in essential oils, being paralyzed there were not many other options for his enjoying the season,  and a cd player. The day we planned to pay another visit and bring these things, we received  the news that he passed away. Although we were not able to play the readings for him, I still think they would be very useful for some...