Hosanna Revival

5 years ago the question was posed as to whether Bible journaling was just a phase, a passing trend. There were only a select few translations and options back then. Now you can find almost any translation you could desire in a journaling, note taking, colouring, and illustrated and illustrating version. And new versions are being added each season. Rather than crafting and scrapbooking, women began pouring out their hearts, filling the pages with colours, paint, fancy lettering, and their prayers. This crossed denominational lines. And freed up those whonmay have been raised to never "underline" to get comfortable with their Bibles. A journaling Bible became an annual purchase or one for each child or grand child, with individualized prayers. Custom hand painted Bibles also rose to the top of Bible sales across the USA, ditching the 1990s custom denim Jean and quilted Bible covers. (Any one else use their "pre baby" jeans to cover the Bi...