Real Women Leading

After the first few babies arrived, I never expected to do much outside of our home. I had no idea I would be spinning wool or creating things to keep my family warm, or use those things in a marketplace setting.
I feel like I am gathering things from afar. This year as my husband decreased his pay in order to keep the ministry afloat, I generated income almost matching what his pay cut equaled. Not bad for someone who doesn't have a real job. But it has been a great struggle to find balance. Homeschooling high school students, packing lunches and sending elementary students off in the mornings, and business trips, not to mention all the "mission trips" this year, has left me feeling stretched thin. 
I was able to find good advice in this book.

"Timing is truly important when we look at the context of responsibility." (Your timing, not mine)

"I've indeed been used as a vessel of created delivery, and have accepted responsibility for the seed that I carried." (as some one who is constantly in a state of creation and design, I love this line applied to more than child birth) 

"Most Christians associate the virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31 as the ideal wife and mother whose place is within the home. However, are we not seeing the full picture? In their book, Real Women Leading: With Proverbs 31 Values,executive sales director Lisa Troyer and chief executive officer Dawn Yoder share principles for women in the real world who want to have personal fulfillment and a meaningful impact on their spheres of influence, wherever that may be."

Lisa Troyer and Dawn Yoder present in their book:
The 10 Key Principles for Women
1. Understanding People
2. Being Responsible
3. Being Forgiving
4. Having a Good Attitude
5. Resolving Conflict
6. Showing Restraint
7. Being Honest
8. Being Generous
9. Being a Wise Planner
10. The Value of Applying Influence


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