Know Orphans by Rick Morton

I always thought that we would adopt. I read books on adoption like "The Whole Life adoption."
We wound up with 6 children without adoption, so this is topic has not been in the forefront of my own life.
I have seen friends' struggle through adoptions both international and domestic. My daughter served in Rwanda with AIDs orphans and those left orphaned by genocide. There are so many who are reaching out through foster care and other programs, but it is not enough.
Too Many are alone.
This book is a good resource for those who have questions, have orphan ministries or if you have a tug at your heart.

"KnowOrphans by Rick Morton, addresses three distinct areas associated with global orphanology. Delving deeper into the criticisms of the movement, the need for reform, and what families can expect, author Rick Morton helps shape realistic perceptions of the challenges and rewards adoptive parents face in transnational adoptions. Through illuminating the work internationally adoptive families can expect, KnowOrphansoffers solutions for the church in remedying the ills and deficiencies surrounding the church's role in equipping and supporting families before, during, and after the adoption process. Knowing that the church's response and attitude should be one that goes beyond adoption, KnowOrphansalso addresses the complexities of how Christians are to respond ethically, compassionately, and comprehensively to the biblical call to care for orphans.
KnowOrphans is the next step in conversation as this evangelically based movement of orphan care matures and begins to live out James 1:27 globally."


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