Real Life Romance

A generation ago, Quest for Love was published. It was a hit. Why? We needed hope that as young believers, we were on the right path.

There is still a need those stories.
Stories of inspirational lives waiting for G-d to write their romance into being.

This book is that hope for this next generation. Hope that G-d still hears and listens to our hearts. Hope that in the midst of technological advances that we still have the best match maker.

I adore Rhonda Stoppe. There are a bunch of books on my shelf that are written by some one I know in real life. But very few by some one who has spoken truth onto my life. 10-12 years ago, Rhonda sat with me in the woods and listened to me whine and showed me a track back to where I was intended to be.
Rhonda holds a special place in my life, as it is not easy to speak truth into the wounded, and do it well.

This same Rhonda from the picnic bench in the woods, is the same one writing these wonderful books. She doesn't change who she is in her writings. Her smile, her passion, and her ability to see a broken heart are all there.

When you pick up, Real Life Romance you are sitting down with a girlfriend and listening to stories of hope. The stories collected in her book are beautiful examples of G-d's Love, how He shows up in the unexpected and brings something new to life.

Whether you are single and waiting or married and love a good romance, this book is for you.

If you are on the hygge bandwagon, then this book, a warm cup of tea and your reading spot, are exactly the hygge trifecta.

Join the launch party and enter to win a date night!

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • One copy of Real-Life Romance
  • A $50 restaurant gift card
  • A $25 movie gift card

Warm your heart and soul with Real Life Romance.


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