Homing In

As my first chicks are entering college, getting married, finishing college, two enjoying a gap year (one planning on military service) I find my self once again home schooling. Our smallest had her K-6 yrs in a private school. So all of this is new for her and I am finding out what her learning styles are. We are seeing what resources we have and discovering new ones. Lamp + Light is one of the new treasures that at the same time uses all my amazing vintage resources. http://lamplighthomeschool.com/ Charlotte Mason, Notebooking, living books and the new term "minimalist home schooling" meets ravelers notebooks, YouTube, audio books and the new animated SuperBook series. Good and Beautiful is a recommended companion resource for Lamp + Light history. You can try some things out on the sight and levels 1-5 are available for free. English now brings us Following Narnia Volume 1 : The Lion's Song Student Book (New Edition). "Institute for Excellenc...