2 years and then some....

One of my sweet daughters knew when she had her baby, that she was not the kind of mom who was gonna remember to take photos each month of her baby's life on the right day. She knew herself, her limitations, and her priorities, and went with it. So she would write "3 months and then some" cuz it may be 2 days late or 7...and it was ok and she didn't need that extra pressure to do the perfect social media photo shoot. She was too busy playing with her baby and living her life. So much wisdom in that. I had wanted to write up a 2 years since the Paradise California Camp Fire post. This is where we are now kind of update however hit when my heart was still so broken. We were still homeless and living in a PARKING LOT. Our friends are still gone. Our businesses are still in ruins and having to close them down because we can't afford state fees so we can "try again next year". Plus coVid and trying to balance health and faith and the responsibi...