Experiencing God Bible- CSB

25 yrs ago- seriously! Has it been that long?! I suppose it has since the baby from those memories is working towards his 2nd college degree. 25 years ago, when we lived in Baltimore, our congregation decided to start home fellowships, home groups…whatever they may be called now… smaller groups of members of the larger body, meeting in homes, and studying together the same study each week. The goal was for the whole congregation to be on the same page but able to have deeper conversations and fellowship that is too difficult in larger group settings. The study they chose was Blackaby’s Experiencing God. This wasn’t an easy or “fluff” study. It had a lot of homework and bible memory…and I had 3 children under 3 years old. Somehow in that frazzled state, I did the study. It was a lifeline to sanity and to the fight against discontent. (It was definitely not my goal to move back to the east coast at that time…). Needless to say, this Bible brings me back to good memories and reminds ...