A to Z of C S Lewis

Here is a quick review before I head off on the next trip.

This book is an encyclopedic resource of all things Lewis.
Ever wonder what the name of that evil king was? or what exactly Turkish delight is?
Colin Duriez has compiled the fictional, nonfiction, and real life CS Lewis factoids into one compendium. This is a deeper and larger book than Louis Markos' A to Z CSLewis, with more information and references.
We have been going through Prof. Markos' course on CS Lewis, and this book has been an excellent resource for the course.

"A Complete Guide to His Life, Thoughts and Writings
Published to coincide with the 50th anniversary of C. S. Lewis’s death, this complete guide covers all of Lewis’ works, from his literary criticism to Narnia

C. S. Lewis’s work is widely known and regarded, but enthusiasts are often only aware of one part of his work—his children’s stories and his popular theology; and yet he wrote so much more, including science fiction and literary criticism. This volume brings together all aspects of C S Lewis’s life and thought. Arranged in alphabetical order, it begins with The Abolition of Man—written in 1943 and described as “almost my favorite”—to Wormwood, a character in The Screwtape Letters. This book will delight anyone who is interested in C. S. Lewis and wants to learn more about him, his thought, his works, and his life."
Enjoy! I will be back next week with more!


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