7 Women

Seven Women And the Secret of Their Greatness By Eric Metaxas "Each of the world-changing figures who stride across these pages-Joan of Arc, Susanna Wesley, Hannah More, Maria Skobtsova, Corrie ten Boom, Mother Teresa, and Rosa Parks-is an exemplary model of true womanhood." Several years ago, I reviewed "Seven Men", and I thought, I hope Eric writes one for women. It appears that I was not the only one. As I read the forward to the book, I was excited for the dragster shout outs as the granddaughter of a dragster. (Shirley Muldowney! Whoot, whoot!) And then I was convicted AND encouraged by what he wrote about praising women when they are compared to men, and achieve manly things. Debbie Stoller, editor of the feminist magazine, Bust, wrote in her book Stitch and B*tch, something similar. How we praise women for being mechanics, pilots, and are employed in other typically "male" jobs, but we condemn them for doing the things their mothers and grandm...