NIV Study Bible -2020


NIV Study Bible, Fully Revised Edition, Comfort Print, hardcover (red letter)

Way back when, just before my birthday, my friend and I went to the local bookstore (pre joshua’s, or life way...I can’t remember the new. It may have had something to do with grapes...). We bought matching 10 year anniversary NIV Study Bibles. We were at that age where we had matching plaid converse, matching journals with locks and of course we needed matching bibles!

Honestly, I think I learned more out of that bible than any other. Reading the notes, following the verse reference chains, meant more to me than the “personal” or relatable stories the pastor may have shared. I can’t recall any of his sermons, but my notes and highlights stayed with me for 2 decades. (Up til the fire.)

When I was given the opportunity by Bible Gateway to review the newest, updated and fully revised 35th Anniversary NIV Study Bible, the above memories came to mind. And there is a photo I wish I still had of us in our Baja sweaters, plaid converse shoes, and holding our study bibles. 25 years is a long time!

Sometimes, the notes were biased and often when it came to basic Jewish culture, they were just wrong. This is why I was very excited to see what the editors have revised and changed. The beginning pages give an extensive history on the version, the translation, and I always recommend reading it in any edition of the Bible you pick up. You will gain insight into how it was translated and get to know the editorial team and their wording choices a little.

First of all, just the massive improvement of the graphics we have been gifted with new technology!

These are not just improved graphics, there are beautiful full color photographs!

Each book in the Bible has an in-depth introduction, these used to be a page or even just a few paragraphs. The book of Numbers has a 5 page introduction so that you know, who wrote it, how it acquired its name, the theology points that are about to be given to you, a timeline, and an outline. 

Psalm 119 contains the typical “anglicized “ WAW instead of VAV or BETH over BET, and TAW over TAV. The are the names of Hebrew letters. WAW does not exist! ו however is a vav. But there are shockingly very few translations that EVER have vav, etc... so it was expected.

The note for Psalm 89 v 9-10 states that David borrows ‘poetic imagery from ancient near eastern myths of creation..’ because he states that Gd ruled over the chaotic waters implying procreation. I am not sure what the editor is trying to imply here. This one is gonna need some research!

There are beautiful editions and a variety of covers to chose from when shopping for the 35th Anniversary NIV Study Bible. I have the hardcover. Lovely end papers, well stitched, and lays flat beautifully.

The back of the Bible gives numerous study aids as well, for the notes index, a concordance, and more.

This Bible is full, it has a easy on the eyes typeset ( Comfort Print® typeface ), and is large. (‘I like bib Bibles and I can not lie...’...sorry, not sorry!) Seriously though, this is a STUDY Bible, it is not a small toss in a little handbag Bible. It has weight to it! I am very much looking forward to getting to know it better.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) updated in 2011
  • Over 21,000 study notes, with icons to make important information easy to spot
  • Over 125 topical articles, full-color maps, the full NIV concordance, and subject note indexes enable even deeper study
  • Sixty-six book introductions and outlines along with six section introductions provide valuable background information for each book of the Bible
  • Maps, charts, diagrams, and illustrations visually clarify the stories in the Bible



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