Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible

This reminds me of my childhood. My mother would drag us kids all over Washington DC for Bible studies. The moms would be at the table discussing and pouring over scripture, and all us kids would be on the living room floor or a side room, with matchbox cars, GI Joe's, My Little Pony, or Strawberry Shortcake. Small things that traveled well. Do moms still do this? The serious Bible teachers, especially if they did precepts, or the like, all had a Thompson's. It was a treasured and yes, coveted Bible edition. The woman who discussed scripture with my at the time very pagan mother, owned a Thompson's. My mother would discuss spells and such with one neighbor and Miss Vicki would show up in our backyard in Italy, and take path after path of scripture, following the scarlet threads, and point my mother to Messiah. Every question that arose could be traced and discussed with Gd's Word, not man's stories and speculations. Through her faith...