Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible

This reminds me of my childhood. 
My mother would drag us kids all over Washington DC for Bible studies. The moms would be at the table discussing and pouring over scripture,  and all us kids would be on the living room floor or a side room, with matchbox cars, GI Joe's, My Little Pony, or Strawberry Shortcake.  Small things that traveled well. Do moms still do this?

The serious Bible teachers, especially if they did precepts, or the like, all had a Thompson's. It was a treasured and yes, coveted Bible edition. 
The woman who discussed scripture with my at the time very pagan mother,  owned a Thompson's. My mother would discuss spells and such with one neighbor and Miss Vicki would show up in our backyard in Italy, and take path after path of scripture, following the scarlet threads, and point my mother to Messiah. Every question that arose could be traced and discussed with Gd's Word, not man's stories and speculations.
Through her faithful study and this excellent tool, the course of my family was altered.

So when I was offered the chance to review a copy, I was very excited. I chose the NKJV, it also is available as KJV, NASB, & ESV.

This Bible is not full of pretty pictures or fancy fonts. This Bible doesn't contain modern devotionals stories to inspire you. This Bible is the hard work and efforts of faithful scholars. "NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible's highly structured and organized cross-reference system has been refined and updated through the years" for you to actually study SCRIPTURE. No distractions, just highly organized references.
"Relevant scripture verses are linked together, with over 100,000 topical references and 8,000 chain topics."
You can see how each chain is laid out for you, creating a wonderful map to follow through the pages of your Bible. 
I have always loved Study Bibles. Depending on our church at the time, I would admittedly zone out in a sermon, and start reading the notes that went with the text, and follow the connected verses IF the publishers had added them. This gaining my own information and half the time coming away from the service with something Gd wanted me to see that day, that was not part of the presented lesson.

This Bible is not inexhaustible,  but it is so rich! 


  • Full text of the New King James Version (NKJV)
  • Easy to understand Chain-Reference System with over 100,000 references in the margins
  • References cover over 8,000 topics, each with its own pilot number for exhaustive topical study
  • Complete alphabetical and numerical indices listing all 8,000 topics with corresponding pilot numbers and Bible references for comprehensive topical study
  • Bible study aids such as biographical sketches of the most prominent people in the Bible, an archeological supplement, glossary, concordance, Bible harmonies, and outlines of each book of the Bible
  • Key Verses and Key Thoughts provide basic information you can use to develop your own study
  • Verse Analysis shows the topics and themes of every verse and provides easy reference to other verses with the same topics or themes
  • 16-page full-color map section
  • Words of Christ in red
  • Satin ribbon marker
  • Presentation page for gift-giving
  • 8.5-point type size

If you are into serious study, I encourage you to add the Thompson's Chain-Reference Bible to your library. 


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