NET Full Notes Edition

There are no perfect translations. All of the translations of the Bible have been done by human scholars who were faithful and worked diligently to understand and interpret scripture. Just as no two readers ever read the same book, no translators interpret the same thing the same way. Each person brings their own bias, culture, and perception to their interpretation. “The best Bible translation is the one that you actually read “ is a true statement. Or as the NET publishers say, “ The most important translation of the Bible is not from the original languages to English, but from the printed page into your life. ” My dad became a believer through a catholic version of 1980s “the way” Bible. Like I said previously, the NET Bible was significant to my brother’s walk and ministry as he pastored to those whose first language was not English. He is brilliant, he speaks a wide variety of languages and dialects. But there is a lot of things we say in English that are hard to...