praying for the Bride

Walking in to an established church has pros and cons.
One of ours is over 100 yrs. The other is a new work that we established 7 yrs ago.

There was a time when we lived in Colorado Springs that a new church opened and another closed, just about every week. So many new churches are started out of offense and hurt feelings, church splits and doctrines of men out weighing the doctrines of G-d. It seems this goes double for home churches.

While we have more freedom to do what we feel lead to at the newer one, the other gives us elders and congregants who have been in fellowship through conflicts for over 50 years! The wisdom we are gleaning from both places is so rich.

I wonder how much has been lost from trying to do things our own newer ways instead of being humble and submitting to those over us, praying for the pastors to hear G-d's voice.

Pastors, like most humans are human and fallible. Pride, busyness, and exhaustion can take hold. Not having accountability and a friend leave most of those who "minister" empty. Sadly, pastors are often a reason why people leave a church. sometimes they are the only reason some one stays at a church.

A friend of ours, and a local pastor, spends most of his week praying at other churches, usually in their parking lots. Praying for the pastor, for the church, for revival. I am so blessed by his servant heart. Too often we view another church as competition or with critical/judgmental eyes, thinking we know the truth and true doctrine/theology , and they have missed something.

Do you pray for the other churches in your town? What about the church "across the street"?

If not? Why?

Each Thursday we have a time of prayer walking, where w pray for requests, the attendees, the church we attend, even the town. I think I need to start praying for other churches, not just the persecuted.


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