Tea and Sympathy and Rhonda Stoppe

About 10 yrs ago, at a beautiful mountain retreat, I was a pregnant, hormonal mess.
Over a cup of coffee, Rhonda Stoppe came along side me and spoke truth into my life.
It was exactly what I needed and made an impact in my life.
Since then, Rhonda has written 2 books. Her newest book, "If my husband would change I would be happy....and other myths wives believe" is exactly like what a described above. A friend speaking the truth into your life and telling you to straighten up...but with sincere love and laughter.
We have a real need for a Titus 2 movement of older women teaching  younger women. I was once the younger woman begging for some one to tell me how to survive 4 children under the age of 5 and be a wife and some how find time to crack open my Bible. (Now, I am getting to the older side and have 3 adult children. )
Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have been crying out for some one to hold your hand and speak some truth into your life. If so, go get this book.
Rhonda is not just a woman of faith on paper. She praises the Lord with her whole being and diligently serves the Lord. I have seen it.
If you have been longing for that woman from Titus 2 to show up, you have found her.
You can sit down with this book and know that a real woman, who is obedient and has struggled and come through it, is speaking to you.
You can trust her words to not be the same old story,  to not play to your ego, to not lie to you. They will challenge you, encourage you go further, and make you laugh.

About the book:

If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe (Harvest House, August 2015)

Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together.

But perhaps today, as the realities of life together have settled in, those happy expectations are going unfulfilled. And it's tempting to think, "If only my husband would change, I'd be happy."

That myth is but one of many that Rhonda Stoppe dispels in her easy-to-read exploration of what it takes to experience a truly happy marriage. In the process, she addresses such important topics as

-understanding your husband's need for your unconditional respect
-rekindling the love that drew you to your husband in the first place
-refusing to believe the lie that you'd be happier married to someone else
-learning to be content in the midst of financial struggles
-thinking about sex from a biblical worldview
If you desire to rekindle the love and hope you felt on your wedding day, this book will go a long way toward making that dream come true.
Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter.

Purchase a copy: http://bit.ly/2a9Izc6


bobbie said…
Oh the need of being, becoming and having a Titus 2 woman in your life is the never ending gift of women in our lives. May you always have and be which is needed.
Unknown said…
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