Book Sneeze Mansfield's Book Of Manly Men: An Utterly Invigorating Guide To Being Your Most Masculine Self

The perfect Movember book! Maybe it has grown to be more than just a western society's view, but men are viewed through failures. Seen unreliable, those who can not be trusted or those who will abandon their families.Men have become baby daddies rather than fathers.
Stephen sets out to show a true man is honest, humble, compassionate, responsible, courageous, and faithful. He uses the true stories of some great men. He has some great research from having authored books such as: Lincoln's Battle with God, The Faith of Barack Obama, and Benedict XVI, Searching for God and Guinness, and Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill.

This is a great book to give the man in your life.

Reminder: It is not in the biceps!  In Mansfield's Book of Manly Men,

Masculinity is more than an identity. It's a discipline—something requiring cultivation. In Mansfield's Book of Manly Men, Stephen Mansfield explores manly virtues by examining the lives of the manliest of men, then distilling key lessons from their challenges and triumphs. Says the author: "My goal in this book is simple. I want to identify what a genuine man does—the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood—and then call men to do it."

"Witty, compelling, and shrewd, "Mansfield's Book of Manly Men" is about resurrecting your inborn, timeless, essential, masculine self. The Western world is in a crisis of discarded honor, dubious integrity, and faux manliness. It is time to recover what we have lost.Stephen Mansfield shows us the way. Working with timeless maxims and stirring examples of manhood from ages past, Mansfield issues a trumpet call of manliness fit for our times. "My goal in this book is simple," he says. "I want to identify what a genuine man does--the virtues, the habits, the disciplines, the duties, the actions of true manhood--and then call men to do it."

"Stephen Mansfield gives us yet another fantastic book, this time covering a topic so misunderstood and misrepresented in society today. He creates a blueprint for true manhood, building upon stories from the world’s greatest men—one of whom was my great-grandfather, Winston Churchill. I applaud Stephen for the massive research he has done. I will read this book again and again and learn something new every time. Mansfield truly is a 'Manly Man.'"
Jonathan Sandys, great-grandson of Sir Winston Churchill


bobbie said…
The idea of a masculine man has been stolen from at lease the last two generations of women. Every sitcom has him as weak and all the power is shifted for comedies sake. Having a book that encourages Masculinity is truly a gift worth considering for any man, young or old.
Justin Mederich said…
How did you get the book so quickly? I requested it the same day it came out and am anxiously anticipating it's arrival! Gah! Can't wait to dive in.
Beth said…
I liked this book, too. Great review.

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