BookSneeze NIV Ragamuffin Bible Meditations for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Brokenhearted

A collection of Brennan Manning's devotions, meditations and his personal reflections are collected along with the NIV Bible. (As previously noted, NIV after 2011 although marked "NIV" on all packaging in a blend of NIV and TNIV.)
There are several new Brennan Manning publications, one which was reviewed previously in this post HERE. I have already stated how much I love Brennan Manning in that post.

The Bible is for the lost and hurting, the ones who wonder if any one sees them. Maybe you have tried and failed...again and again. Instead of being filled with the historical and intellectual notes, this one is filled with notes to pierce through the callouses built up on your heart, getting to the flesh of the matter.

Book Trailer:

From the Back Cover: Do you believe that God not only loves you, but that he also likes you?
It's just one of the soul-searching questions posed by bestselling author Brennan Manning who confesses he has been 'John the beloved, Peter the coward, and Thomas the doubter all before the waitress brought the check.'
The NIV Ragamuffin Bible offers a collection of Manning’s raw, painfully honest, yet grace-filled devotions, meditations, and reflections of his journey limping back to---like the prodigal son---his overjoyed father. When you journey through this Bible, you will likewise find yourself returning to your Heavenly Father, basking in the knowledge that God not only loves you, he delights in you.There are 104 devotions focused on finding deeper connections to G-d and the Word.

250 reflections are scattered throughout, Focusing on one of Brennan's favourite Subjects, Abba (Father G-d) and being Abba's Child.

You will also find another 150 thoughtful quotes and insights.


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