Sacred Marriage

It is hard to believe just how many years ago it was that we picked up this book. Our marriage was beyond rocky... 3 children 2.5yrs and under, our 4th move, and a chasm between us.
While our pastoral staff were encouraging us to divorce and start over, we were sick at heart and new there had to be another answer to our misery.
Into our local Christian bookstore we marched, credit card in hand, and loaded our arms up with marriage books and bible studies. After all these years, the only title I remember is "Sacred Marriage".

While we went through this book together, I remember how there was an almost audible voice one night that said, "I will restore him and make him into aighty man. You can choose to be the woman at his side or some one else will be."

This book changed our hearts, our lived and our marriage. 21 yrs of marriage and now with 6 children, he has become a pastor of 2 congregations. His sermons reach hearts across our own nation, Africa and places I have never even heard of. I can not begin to express my gratitude to Gary Thomas for writing this book, for being a vessel G-d spoke through into our lives.
This is our favourite wedding gift, the book we recommend to every couple who seeks counseling, and has several times found its way his sermons.

This new updated "streamlined" version makes it easy to find on the shelf once again.

Buy this book if you are married, if you are pondering  marriage... or divorce, or if you have any relational interaction with people in general.


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