Word of Promise

I received this audio copy of The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible at Thanksgiving. In the midst of the usual holiday busyness, it provided a nice and calming back drop. I had already owned the audible version of The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible: NKJV. This made me familiar with the voices and the body of work.
Thanksgiving week also brought a terrible accident and shooting in our community and involved a boy who had been in our youth group. 
The boy had said he was afraid of dying. My husband was able to pray with him and remind him of the truths he knew. We had gathered up the scents of Chirstmas in essential oils, being paralyzed there were not many other options for his enjoying the season,  and a cd player. The day we planned to pay another visit and bring these things, we received the news that he passed away. Although we were not able to play the readings for him, I still think they would be very useful for someone who can't hold a book on their own. For myself, I fall asleep with an audio file on a timer. I think I just need some one to read me to sleep. :) These set a positive, obviously, tone and bring rest for my self.

It is an amazing cast and really well done. my only complaint is in the performance of Richard Dreyfuss. Everything has a judgemental or angry tone in his readings. If familiar with those verses he reads, it can be like stepping into a cold puddle while wearing your best socks.
The Word of Promise® New Testament Audio Bible is a 20-CD set and includes a bonus “Behind-the-Scenes” DVD. 
Cast Includes:
  • Jim Caviezel (The Passion of The Christ, Déjà vu) - Jesus
  • Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss (Mr. Holland's Opus, The Goodbye Girl) - Quotes from Moses
  • Academy Award winner Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny, What Women Want) - Mary Magdalene
  • Golden Globe winner Stacy Keach (Prison Break, Hemingway) - Paul
  • Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Louis Gossett, Jr. (An Officer and a Gentleman, Roots) - John
  • Kimberly Williams-Paisley (According to Jim, Father of the Bride) - Mary, Mother of Jesus
  • And many others


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