Book Sneeze- Secrets of Dynamic Communication
I hate public speaking. 20 years ago I would have a panic attack and get hives over speaking in public. This has been an area of great stretching in my life. G-d keeps putting me in a position where I have to speak to rooms of 15- 250. I am not great at it. I also have no idea what I am doing!
This book helps with that.
"It takes the reader through the process of selecting and developing a theme, giving it focus, fleshing it out, and communicating well with the audience. The first half is devoted to preparation, the second to delivery."
"Nothing in the book is designed to change your style or restrict your creativity, but rather to bring the power of focus to your creativity."
"Communication is not about you or what people will think about you or how well you will perform. Communication is about the people sitting in front of you. It's about giving to them, helping them, instructing them, and persuading them of something that will enrich their lives."
"You must make the audience understand why you want to talk to them and make them believe that it is worth their time to listen."
Knowing the audience, setting the stage and delivering a speech that is properly put together are all skills you will learn and how to utilize in this book.
SCORRE is an acronym that Ken Davis has come up with in order to help us remember the process of creating and giving a speech. While I will still be relying on G-d to do any public speaking, I feel as though I will be better prepared for what He asks me to do. Also I LIKE PLANS and I am fond of lists. This book gave me a step by step plan to follow.
