Book Sneeze Unglued - Lysa TerKeurst

Making imperfect progress!
This book discusses two types of people, the exploders and the stuffers. Neither one  is really a good way to deal emotions. Stuffing can lead to exploding. I can be both. Especially with my thyroid constantly throwing me a curve ball....or the decade of pregnancy hormones! :) Those are just excuses. This book sdiscusses how to stop blaming, shaming, building walls and hurling stones.

If you have ever thought "I know that this is not the way I want to react, but I do not know what to do!!!", then get this book. Some times you just need steps, and an idea on where to start. There was a reason the older women were to teach the younger women. We have lost a lot of that in or culture and churches. Thankfully, Lysa wants to share her experiences and the ways she has found to "Make wise choices in the midst of raw emotions."

Many of the principles will be familiar to any one who has gone through a study of Nancy Missler's. Those principles are broken down and made a little less cerebral and approachable.
Such as:

  • Emotions were created by G-d, they are not sin but what you do with them...can be 
  • You are responsible for your obedience not another's actions/reactions. 
  • Recognizing and taking responsibility for our emotions, feelings and actions. 
  • Replacing lies we hear with the TRUTH of the Word. 

Publisher's Summary:
An angry word, cruel comment behind someone’s back, or a flood of tears. All women experience these ‘unglued feelings’ at times, often when they least expect it. These emotions are not wrong, in fact they are God-given. However, our emotions should be indicators not dictators. Each experience is an opportunity to either fall back into patterns that make us wallow in guilt or chose more wisely and make progress. TerKeurst equips women with spiritual strategies to help them manage their reactions. It’s one thing to tell a woman to control her feelings but a whole new kind of help to show her step by step how to let this situation work for her rather than against her.

"Raw emotions are those feelings we hide from others but take out on those we love most. We may exhibit patience and kindness when talking with the grocery clerk, a co-worker, even the difficult person at the returns counter; but, at home, sometimes the smallest, most trivial things set women off, sparking an angry word, cruel comment behind someone’s back, or a flood of tears."

The Sabbath not only needs to be observed but also preserved. The observer remembers to rest. The preserver rests to remember - remember that it's all about God.

"My job is obedience; God's job is results."

"When my happy gets bumped, what's really going on in my heart is on display. In those times I will either add to the authenticity of my love for Jesus or, sadly, negate it."

There is a DVD with study guide, as well as a 60 day devotional book.

Small Group Study Guide Trailer: (18 min) and learn about her hair obsession :)

Sessions include: 
Session 1: Grace for the Unglued 
Session 2: Freedom for the Unglued 
Session 3: Four Kinds of Unglued 
Session 4: A Procedure Manual for the Unglued 
Session 5: Lingering Words for the Unglued 
Session 6: Imperfect Progress for the Unglued


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