Book Sneeze- Adventure Bible Storybook Deluxe Edition

With 6 children, we have gone through many children's Bibles and Bible Story books over the years.
This is definitely a "story book". Of the 50 stories included, you will find more than Noah and Moses, there is even Paul's journey to Malta.

The author tells of the accomplishments of each character, but not always the motivating factor or "why" (such as out of obedience to G-d) that those things were done. There are also speculations and "factoids" that are unsupported. Some liberties were definitely taken with the stories. Catherine DeVries has been influential in the development of many bestselling children's Bibles and Bible storybooks including The Adventure Bible, The Beginner's Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible. The Beginner's Bible was a great favourite of our children.

The cds are a nice quality, a bit too young for our almost 8 year old daughter, but the 2 year that the older girls babysit likes them. Layers of sound, rather than merely narration, increase the entertainment value.

It is supposed to be a part of the "Grow with me" Adventure Bible series of products. As the child grows the next piece is added on. The Adventure Bible and Adventure Bible Handbook and Devotionals are geared for the next age level.

WARNING: the Adventure Bible is NIV 2011 edition, which is BOTH the  TNIV and the NIV merged. Some gender neutral phrasing is one thing to be aware of. If your schools use A Beka books, the new NIVs will NOT match the curriculum.


Thorough review- very informative. I've seen so many booksneeze reviews that are simply a "copy and paste" of the back cover summary. Also good insight about the translation.

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