Book Sneeze James: Faith Becomes Real By Carole Arceneaux

Over decades, every time the book of James has been studied "bad things happen". It has become a taboo book, a superstition almost. There may be great verses quoted in it, but it has been one I just meander through, skim over, because REAL study brings REAL trials.
So in the midst of pay cuts, breast cancer scares, college applications, courses and financing them, and my daughter's 18th birthday (which is a blessing but frightening), why not read James? We are already in steady trials.

This book is set up more as a devotional through James. The author selects a verse, sometimes several, and has a lovely devotion on each one. It takes you through James in bite size pieces.
It is not a large book, and really should be marketed as a 40 day or so Devotional Journey through James.
Carole Arceneaux does a great job at highlighting verses in each chapter and expanding on key points in scripture. It is like sitting down and having some one gently nugde, "Did you catch that?" or "When you read that verse, did you see what he was saying there?" and "Now that you read that, what are you going to do with God's word?"
The book seems to have been written a gentle spirit, a heart to encourage you to ponder and think about the Words you have been given.

On James 1:22:
"Most of us have heard the old adage "actions speak louder than words", but how many of us live by this creed? By doing God's word, believers are able to show the world God Himself. His love and acceptance should emanate from our lives and our interactions with others. If we hear God's word and do not act on it we are deluded into thinking we are better people and better followers of God than we are."


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