Book Sneeze Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, Volume 3 By Dr. O. S. Hawkins

I remember the Pastor's annual sourcebooks from the late 1990's. This is not a planned order of service with which hymns to sing. This is better. It is not a book of "cheats". The sermons are indepth sermon outlines. Which always amazes me. I would have to have every word written out. When my husband writes his own sermons, they really are basic outlines, a couple bullet points, and Bam! a sermon comes out of all of it.

As Dr. Hawkins says, “It is not designed as an ‘easy fix’ for late Saturday night sermon preparation. Rather, it is a sourcebook designed to lay alongside all your other tools of word studies, exegesis, commentaries, prayer and analytical thought that goes into a fully developed and crafted sermon.”
I have known too many pastors in the past who have said they do not study for their sermons, they just trust that the Holy Spirit will give them the words. THIS IS NOT something I advocate! It is how we get too many scriptural inaccuracies preached from the pulpit. 
Preparing a sermon has been likened to the equivilent of 8 hrs of hard labour. I believe it. I see the time and resources that go into a well prepared sermon, not to mention the prayer and seeking of direction. Throw in all the people who drop in with out an appointment, the hospital and home visits, the emergency phone calls....a Pastor has so much on his plate. The church office hours are just a drop in the bucket, his job is 24/7.
As I, thankfully, am not doing any preaching, this is not a reference I can say I will be putting to use. But it is nice to know it is there if "he" needs a quick topical sermon. ( He preaches verse by verse both Saturday and Sunday, so the occasions for this are rare.)

This sourcebook has a companion DVD with  notes and outlines from the book. (in case you are really swamped and just need to print something out last minute.) It includes articles as well as special services such as baptism, funeral and weddings....

Over all it looks like a great resource for some one in ministry.

Publisher's Description
Preach great sermons and plan innovative worship services with the newest edition of Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook. This is the same sermon planner you have come to depend on for more than ten years, now with a disc included for your convenience!. In this volume, look for sermons, articles, and sermon starters by Daniel L. Akin, Dr. Mark L. Bailey, Dr. Phillip R. Bethancourt, Matt Carter, Steve Dighton, David Epstein, J.D. Greear, Ph.D., Jim Henry, Dr. Jeff Iorg, Dr. James MacDonald, Dr. Russell D. Moore, Dr. Adrian Rogers, Steven Smith, K. Marshall Williams,Sr., and Dr. O.S. Hawkins, general editor. These outstanding pastors provide an entire year’s worth of preaching and worship resources with a new, topical focus. Look for a new volume every fall.

Features include:
Sermons, creative outlines, illustrations, and quotes
Worship helps, including hymns, prayers, and Scripture texts
Inspirational thoughts and preaching techniques
Sermons for special occasions and holidays
Disc included containing all sermons and sermon starters

Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebooks sold to date: More than 135,000


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