Being Both by Susan Katz Miller

Lauded as the first book to discuss an interfaith way of life for families. Being Both weaves the stories of Susan Katz Miller and others, primarily the Jewish and Christian families who have pioneered the concept of interfaith education for interfaith children. Susan  grew up with a Jewish father and Christian mother, and was raised Jewish. As one who struggled with her own identity and recognition as a Jew, she is one of the many who are choosing to raise children with both faiths.
Interfaith is more than  a growing trend.
This book is increasingly necessary. Recently Haaretz published a piece on Defining 'who is a Jew" (HERE) asking the question "If a Jew need not live in Israel, need not speak Hebrew, need not be committed to formal communal relations with other Jews, need not believe in the God of Israel and His Torah, and does not necessarily have to be the child of a Jewish mother, who then, is a Jew?"

"28 million Americans have a spouse or partner from a different religious tradition, and by 2030, there will be more “half-Jewish” than “fully” Jewish children in America. According to one study, 37 percent of Jewish/Christian families choose to raise their children as neither or both.”
Susan also helps readers wrestle with common spiritual questions (Do we believe in the same god?) and dilemmas (How do we talk about Jesus?).

Susan Katz Miller shares her experiences with the integrity and authenticity. Being Both is available in print and as an ebook ( 

If you are considering an interfaith relationship, marriage and home, this book is an invaluable resource. Beyond planning and preparing the wedding ceremony, this book helps with the planning of your home and lives. Maybe you are the grandparents of interfaith children? This book will give you insights into how to be supportive and be an active part of their lives.

From Being Both:

IFPP Responsive reading by Oscar Rosenbloom

Reader: We gather here as an Interfaith Community
To share and celebrate the gift of life together

All: Some of us gather as the Children of Israel
Some of us gather in the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Some of us gather influenced by each

Reader: However we come, and whoever we are
May we be moved, In our time together
To experience that sense of Divine presence in each of us
Evoked by our worship together

All: And to know in the wisdom of our hearts
That deeper unity in which all are one.

"Our community is an immense tree with branches growing in all directions, representing Jewish, Christian and other beliefs. No matter how much it irks some religious institutions, we insist on standing together to create a motley but massive trunk for this tree, a strong support for our children to climb and explore."

"Why should the idea of Jews and Christians singing, reflecting and, yes, praying together be so controversial?" (p47)

Interfaith Resources from the author's blog HERE

Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family by Susan Katz Miller
On Sale Date: October 22, 2013
ISBN: 9780807013199, 0807013196


bobbie said…
This looks like it is a wonderful engagement gift. It is important to know these things before you face these things. I especially liked this... IFPP Responsive reading by Oscar Rosenbloom

Reader: We gather here as an Interfaith Community
To share and celebrate the gift of life together

All: Some of us gather as the Children of Israel
Some of us gather in the name of Jesus of Nazareth
Some of us gather influenced by each

Reader: However we come, and whoever we are
May we be moved, In our time together
To experience that sense of Divine presence in each of us
Evoked by our worship together

All: And to know in the wisdom of our hearts
That deeper unity in which all are one. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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