The Blessed Church by Robert Morris

When I began this book I had never heard of Gateway or Robert Morris. This book was primarily written for pastors and ministry staff. I am not a pastor, but I am married to one. Which usually means that I read books, nudge him, and read him sections of the books.
This happened a lot with this book.

What would a culture of generosity look like for my church?
What part does rest play in a healthy church? 
How can I help my church stay focused on its purpose?

Stepping into a church that is 100+ yrs, we are stepping into the vision others have had and laid ground work for. The points made on looking at the areas in the ministry bring frustration are often places that need to have change/new vision was a good reminder. Peace can often be a barometer to nudge us that some thing needs attention, change or to be released.

We are a small church, that has doubled in size the last 2 yrs. We are not seeking to become a mega church. But we do desire to see the church be healthy. This book wasn't just a how to "succeed in church business" book. I appreciated the way Robert Morris stated over and over Habukuk 2v2, "to write down the vision, to make it clear."

Are we sharing a vision others can grab a hold of and run with?

Three things Robert says propelled Gateway Church to excellence: 1) deliver outstanding sermons, 2) provide an excellent worship experience, and 3) offer the best children's ministry possible.

Robert believes anyone called to pastor can deliver sermons with excellence. I am amazed at the way G-d's Word flows from my husband some days. He has been faithful in his devotional time and has strove to preach G-d's Word and not his own opinions. " It requires only a hard- headed determination to prioritize your personal time with God, in His word, and then faithfully carry to your people what you receive in those times of fellowship and study."

The worship part is a little harder. Too often it is a big emotional experience that people are looking for, and unfortunately there is often emotional manipulation that can take place when men try to create it. BUT when you have a worship leader who seeks to get to the throne room and fall on his knees before G-d, you really can't help but follow.

I think all 3 are good points. BUT I appreciate even more his desire to have a dor'v'dor (generation to generation), to equip those to serve who will then equip others to serve, outlook.
He also wrote of seeking Jesus' face instead of His hands. This is a great word picture when you think of a small child wanting to see what Daddy has brought home in his hands, a toy, a candy, a special surprise. The Church as a whole, is all to often in the "what did you bring me?" attitude rather than "I just want to be with You".

This book sparked some great conversations.

"What is the vision G-d has placed on your heart?"

"What frustrates you currently?"


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