Book Sneeze- The Pink Bible, An invitation to Hope

Several weeks ago I opted to review "a book" for Zondervan. Since then a "mass" was discovered in my breast, blood work, tests, mammograms and ultrasounds to come. Following this morning's doctor appointment....I came home to The Pink Bible on my doorstep. Perfect timing? 

Zondervan's Pink Bible is available both as a physical Bible and as an ebook. (ebook sample can be downloaded for nook, iphone nook app and for computers).

Many awareness groups have adopted specific ribbons or colours. Pink is the colour associated with breast cancer awareness. "The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink ribbons, and the color pink in general, identify the wearer or promoter with the breast cancer brand and express moral support for women with breast cancer. Pink ribbons are most commonly seen during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month." -wikipedia

The Bible is designed to make finding of verses of hope and encouragement easy. One of the ways this was done is specific verses of "Hope and Assurance" were listed in the index.

The Pink Bible is sized so that it can easily fit in a purse. Many of those who have used it, say they carry it with them to their appointments, and read it during the long sessions of radiation or chemotherapy. It also features a "lay-flat" binding. Fresh out of it's box it lays open very nicely. It feels good in your hands both the texture of the italian-duotone cover and the size.

Incase you wondered, yes, the Pink Bible is really pink.

If you do not want pink: the NIV Living With Cancer Bible will be offered in a navy and chocolate Italian Duo-Tone.

Zondervan has announced a partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to help provide hope and aid to those fighting the disease.

"Zondervan is honored to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation and their noble cause," said Chip Brown, senior vice president and Bible group publisher. "We sincerely hope that the NIV Pink Bible and the NIV Living With Cancer Bible can help provide comfort and solace to people living with the physical and emotional pain of cancer."

The NIV Pink Bible also includes a foreword by Janelle Hail, founder and CEO of the NBCF. Hail shares her own personal battle against breast cancer and how God's Word has helped guide her and how she went to found NBFC to help others.

"It was an honor to write the foreword for the NIV Pink Bible," Hail said. "Knowing that my story is helping others is humbling. Having my story included in a Bible truly is a testament to how God has a plan for each of us."

About the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. ®

Recognized as one of the leading breast cancer organizations in the world, the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s (NBCF) mission is to save lives through early detection and to provide mammograms for those in need. A recipient of Charity Navigator’s highest 4-star rating for nine years, NBCF provides women Help for Today…Hope for Tomorrow® through its National Mammography Program, Beyond The Shock®, Early Detection Plan, MyNBCF online support community, and breast cancer research programs. For more information, please visit
Do self exams!

WARNING: this is the NEW NIV post 2010. After 2010 NIV and TNIV were merged into a single translation. There are MANY issues and controversies over this translation, including gender neutrality.

"Zondervan gave up its plans for several years, pledging to maintain the NIV as it was. When the blaze burned out, Zondervan continued publishing the NIV but added a gender-neutral TNIV (the T standing for "Today's") and tried to market it, with little success. Although Zondervan does not reveal overall stats, its Bible market share is probably less than half what it was in 1997. New, competing translations-most notably Crossway's English Standard Version-have emerged."


good thorough review and thank you for sharing your own experience.

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