Dateline Jerusalem by Chris Mitchell

Being Jewish, I really have a hard time with most of the books written on the endtimes, the middle east, and revelatory prophecy. A lot of them are written from a replacement theology stand point even if the writer doesn't even realize it. Israel is thrown out and the "church" is the sole focus, forgetting the millenia of prophecies or there is a weird almost 'worship of the jews' that is a bit creepy.
 Add to this, that I have Arab family members and close friends. My Husband and I met because we were both jews working on arab humanitarian projects in the land of Israel. (arab bible college for my project, arab hospital for his). My daughter, 1 of the 4, did her Bat Mitzvah in Hebrew, Arabic and English to honour this family fusion.We have a love for all those descended from Abraham.

We hold our breath and voice concerns and pray a lot.
My children have friends serving in the Israeli military. More prayers.
I am a US military brat. More prayers.
There is media bias. More prayers.
There is a doctrinal Bias. More prayers.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem was a mandate for a reason!

We watch Arab Spring unfold and read Isaiah 19 and pray for the Coptic Christians who are currently the focus of bloodshed and ethnic cleansing. Syria has now added to the mix, killing their own citizens.

Why does the tiny nation of Israel, the not very glamorous city of Jerusalem get so much attention?

From the Publisher: In Dateline Jerusalem, CBN News correspondent Chris Mitchell connects the dots and unveils Jerusalem as the epicentre and crossroads of the spiritual, political and, yes, supernatural worlds. Jerusalem s powerful draw has always transcended simple economics, military strategy and religious affiliation. In our own time, as the Arab Spring threatens to become an Islamic Winter, one commentator warns: The Arab Spring doesn t lead to democracy, it leads to Jerusalem. Indeed, the fragile peace of Israel is in new peril as violent Islamic factions take control of surrounding governments. Yet Muslims are converting to Christianity in record numbers. Dateline Jerusalem untangles and chronicles all this through the riveting narrative of a Christian reporter in the upheaval of the modern Fertile Crescent. We live in a world where we cannot afford to be ill informed. What happens in the strategic Middle East, Israel, and Jerusalem is critical. It matters to you. Today s news might focus on Washington, New York, London or Moscow, but history s final chapter will be written in Jerusalem.

I am trying to add the video and it tells me that this video for the book trailer can not be found.
Which means you will have to copy/paste and go to the site because it will NOT embed.

I love how the movie, "O, Jerusalem" strove so hard to not be biased and show both sides. This is essentially impossible no matter how we try.

Joshua 5:13 "When Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in His hand. Joshua approached Him and asked, “Are You for us or for our enemies?”
 “Neither,” He replied. “I have now come as commander of the Lord’s army.”
Then Joshua bowed with his face to the ground in worship and asked Him, “What does my Lord want to say to His servant?”
The commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so."

This is the only side we can be on, desperate for the Messiah to be revealed and for G-d to fulfill His purposes.

Chris Mitchell shares his account of his time in the middle East. As a reporter, he has had to research, investigate and walk some of the roads that lead to Jerusalem. Included in the book are some of Chris' works on Cairo, Turkey, Iran, Ukraine, Italy, and of course Israel. Like sharing one's personal testimony, it is harder to argue with eyewitness accounts.Chris shares what he saw and what he experienced. As we near the Jewish High Holy Days, he reminds us of the Yom Kippur war. He cites Ami Ortiz's story( Read more here) and what is going on globally with muslim communities. There are so many stories and experiences jammed into this book.
Chris shares the many miracles and ways he sees prophecy coming to life Ezekiel 36 and the desert blooming, he reminds us Israel is the Apple of God's eye Zechariah 2:8, cites Theodore Herzl and resolution after resolution that has been issued from the UN.
Chris sums it all up with the fact that there is more going on than just the stretching of national borders and governments rising and falling. There is a spiritual battle waging. and Israel is in the center. 
Chris calls you to pray: "It's certain that biblical events prescribed by the Lord will take place, but in these last days, could the church and its power of prevailing prayer have a unique and profound part to play at the end of the age?...Once again, perhaps it will be said that "history belongs to the intercessors."

People get ready.....

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I am not required to write a positive review whatsoever. The opinions I have expressed are completely my own. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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